Leadership & Vulnerability


Leaders needs to be Vulnerable

  • How many of us are aware the benefit of Vulnerability?
  • It is an inability to resist or respond when something bad going to happen.
  • Can we ask what we need?
  • Can we say what we want?
  • Can we express what we really think?
  • Vulnerability is a strength and it help us in control of emotions.
  • We always find it hard with the delivered people when we found what they have done is upsetting us.
  • If you are a vulnerable leader, then you will be worth not having answer and does not have a first with an idea.
  • Let’s come out of our comfort zone and so when we commit mistake and admit apologize.
  • If we do not know something, ask for help
  • Start delivering the truth.
  • If we do not unshaken vulnerability, we will lose our energy in compact in them.

Let be a bold business leader.


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