Benefits of Coaching



This article explains what is coaching, do we need a coach, an introduction about ICF, the benefits of coaching and the process involved.

 What is Coaching

  • Coach acts as a sounding board.
  • Mentoring gives advise, coaching never provide advise.
  • Mentor has to be a domain expert. Coach partners with the client and helps him to improve.

Do we need a Coach?

  • Even the top champion in sports work with the Coach.
  • One who wants to grow and get better, working with the coach is beneficial.
  • The Coach motivates one to take action and gets solution one’s problem and challenges.

ICF – International Coaching Federation

  • It is world’s largest organization for the advancement of Coaching Federation.
  • Founded in 1995. It has 35000 plus members in more than 140 countries.
  • It works towards enhancing awareness in coaching and upgrading the integrity of the profession.

ICF Credential holders

  • They are part elite coachers, who provide commitment to the client and the profession.
  • They have gone through rigorous education practice and exams that provide on the commitment to excellence in coaching.

Coaching benefits:

  1. Coaching improves productivity of people. Coaching helps to improve the decision  making process and productivity.

Coaching along with mentoring helps an organisation to

  1. Get the best out of people
  2. Improve team work
  3. Retaining the employee
  4. It has practically helped me to improve my creativity, decision making

And leadership skills

Coaching process:

The process will be

  1. Weekly one session each session may be 1 to 1 1/2 hour
  2. A person goes through 10 to 12 sessions plus one agenda setting session.
  3. Person’ s issues are explored in each session


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